01959 532502 info@regency.tv
Private Medical Insurance

Health insurance covers the cost of private medical treatment for acute conditions which are likely to respond quickly to treatment – musculoskeletal problems (e.g., back pain) and digestive system conditions are the most claimed-for issues.

There are lots of different plans to choose from, and while basic policies cover essential treatments, more comprehensive policies may include specialist therapies and medicines such as acupuncture or chiropody.

You may take out private health insurance because it gives you quick access to medical treatment. The level of cover you get will depend on the policy you take out.

For more details or to speak to one of our advisors, please feel free to call us on 01959 532 502.

What we can do for you?

Get in touch and book a session with one of our insurance advisers

Our Services

Family Income Plan

Whole of Life

Travel & Holiday

Life Insurance

Income Protection

Critical Illness

Private Medical Insurance